On May 5, 2023, the preliminary round of the 2023 Korean Language Debate Competition for D3 / S1 students throughout Indonesia by KCCI was held.
UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program sent 1 team consisting of 2 students from the class of 2020. The students are Vanesa Olivia and Raihana Alfiyya R. A. who named their team Igong Dugong (이공두공).
In this preliminary round, they faced a team from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Team Byeolttungbyeol (별똥별). The debate in this round was held online through the Zoom platform with the debate topic “한국어 학습 시만을 사용하는 것이 학습 과정을”. 극대화하는데 더 효과적이다” or in Indonesian, “Does the full use of Korean in the learning process maximize the effectiveness of learning? “.
Based on the judges’ scores, the Igong Dugong (이공두공) team made it to the semi-finals with 3 other teams. The semifinals will be held live on Friday, May 12, 2023 at 14:00 at CGV, FX Sudirman Mall, Jakarta. The theme of the Semi-Final debate is “코로나19 팬데믹 기간에 보편화된 재택근무와 비대면 수업을 코로나19 상황이 완화되었는데도 계속할 필요가 있는가? ” or in Indonesian, “Should online activities such as working and studying from home continue after the pandemic? Team Igong Dugong (이공두공) will compete against Team Pureun Nancho (푸른난초) from the University of Indonesia.
The final round of the competition will be held on the same day with the theme “K-Pop 아이돌로 데뷔하기 위하여 청소년기부터 엄격한 훈련을 받는 것이 바람한가? “or in Indonesian, “Is it good to train potential K-pop stars from an early age?
Let’s support our friends by watching the competition!
Cheers Raihanna and Vanesa! Good luck and bring victory to the UGM Korean Language and Culture Program! ^^
(AWA/Personal Doc)