The UGM Korean Program Studies sent 2 students to participate in the KF Global e-School 한국학 논문쓰기 워크샵 activity this year. The students were Amirah Ayu Kamilia and Roro ‘Ayniy Rohmatulloh from the class of 2018 . This workshop held online from July 17th, 2023 to August 10th, 2023. Participants who attended this workshop came from 4 universities in different countries, namely 북경외대 (Beijing Foreign Studies University), 북경어언대 (Beijing Language and Culture University), 국립정치대 (National Chengchi University), 호치민 인문사회대 (Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities), 호치민 외국어정보대 (Ho Chi Minh University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology) and 가자마다대(Gadjah Mada University).
Arsip 2023:
On August 9-10th, 2023, The Korean Language and Culture Program Studies participated in the National Seminar on Korean Language and Culture Education in Indonesia: Challenges and Strategies (한국어 교육 학술회의: 인도네시아 한국어 한국 문화 교육의 도전과 과제).
This event was held in collaboration between King Sejong Institute of Centre (KSIC) Indonesia and the UI Korean Language and Culture program studies held in the context of 50 years of Indonesia-South Korea relations at the Auditorium Building 1, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Indonesia. The panelists of this event were lecturers and teachers from KSIC, UI, UGM, UNAS, UPI and Pelbakori as well as students/learners from KSIC, UI UGM, UNAS, and UPI.