Yogyakarta, August 23, 2024 – The Korean Language and Culture Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM, supported by the Literature Translation Institute (LTI) Korea, organized a Literary Translation Workshop from June 4 to August 23, 2024. This Literary Translation Workshop was the first event of its kind, held for the students and alumni of the Korean Language and Culture Program at UGM. The event aimed to provide a platform for students and alumni to train and expand their knowledge in the field of translation, particularly in translating literary works, under the guidance of experts.
In addition, 20 selected participants each received a free copy of the book titled “1988년도 제12회 이상문학상작품집” (1988 Yi Sang Literary Award Anthology). The book is a collection of the best literary works selected for the Yi Sang Literary Award in 1988. One of the literary works in this book is “The Red Room” by author Lim Chul-woo, which won the grand prize.
During the workshop, “The Red Room” was translated and discussed by participants, coordinated by Alfiana Amrin Rosyadi, S.S., M.A., a lecturer from the Korean Language and Culture Program, and guided by instructors Febriana Elfida Trihtarani, S.S., M.A., and Theresia Avila Rencidiptya Gitanati Firstantin, S.S., M.A. The Literary Translation Workshop for “The Red Room” consisted of 19 meetings, held twice a week. Participants were asked to read and translate the literary work from Korean to Indonesian, with the text divided into sections and discussed at each meeting. The workshop not only covered the methods and techniques of proper literary translation but also explored the themes in “The Red Room,” which contains historical elements related to the struggle for democracy and reform in South Korea in 1988.
The series of activities in the Literary Translation Workshop concluded with a meeting session with the author. This meeting, which was conducted in a hybrid format, took place at Meeting Room 1, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM. At the highlight of the event, participants had the opportunity to discuss and ask questions directly to author Lim Chul-woo about the content of his work, “The Red Room.”
In addition to the discussion with the author, the closing event also featured an award ceremony for the top 3 active participants who followed the workshop enthusiastically and produced the best translations. The first prize was awarded to Fitri Puspita Ningrum, who received an Asus Vivobook laptop. The second prize went to Vira Ardiana, who received an Advan tablet and keyboard. The third prize was given to Adinda Cindy Kartika Putri, who won a Samsung Galaxy A9 tablet. The prizes were handed directly by Mr. Suray Agung Nugroho, S.S., M.A., Ph.D., as the representative of the Head of the Korean Language and Culture Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM.