UGM Korean Language and Culture Program Studies conducted field lectures for the first time with the aim of Korean companies in Indonesia. This activity was carried out in order to end the Comprehensive Korean Language 2 (Business Korean) lecture in the even semester 2023/2024.
This activity was carried out over two days, 25-26 June 2024 (Tuesday-Wednesday). In this field study, those participating were 31 students and 1 accompanying lecturer who conducted the Comprehensive Korean Language 2 (Business Korean) course, Mrs. Alfiana Amrin Rosyadi, S.S., M.A. This activity has several destination companies, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Inc., Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA) Indonesia, and Bank Shinhan Indonesia. The activity began on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. All participants and the lecturer gathered at Bekasi Cikarang Station to go to the first destination, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Inc. This field study was carried out using a bus and took approximately one hour because the destination was in an industrial area which was quite far from central city. The agenda at Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Inc started with an Alumni Talk event which included a company introduction and sharing session by company employees and several alumni of the UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program who work for there. After that, participants took photos together with company representatives and gave souvenirs to Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Inc. The activity continued with a factory tour hosted by a guide. During the factory tour, participants in this activity had the opportunity to see firsthand the car manufacturing and assembly process produced by Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Inc. The activity ended with Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Inc giving souvenirs to the participants of this activity.
On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, all participants in this activity went together to the Jakarta Lotte Mall to visit the Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA) Indonesia. This event began with a welcoming speech from Mr. Kim Young Soo as regional director of the KOCCA Indonesia. Then, the activity continued with the company’s introduction and sharing session by the company. Furthermore, the participants of the activity had the opportunity to tour the KOCCA Indonesia office. Not only that, but all participants also had the opportunity to try to get to know Korean culture, both popular culture and traditional culture, provided by Korea 360. Korea 360 is a product of the KOCCA as a tool to introduce Korean culture to the world through creative content. The activity ended with a group photo session and handing over of mementos from the UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program to the KOCCA Indonesia. In addition, the KOCCA Indonesia provided souvenirs to the participants.
The last destination of this activity is Bank Shinhan Indonesia. On this occasion, the participants had the opportunity to listen to a presentation on Shinhan Bank Indonesia by the president director, Mr. Koo Hyung Hoe. After the presentation by Mr. Koo Hyung Hoe, the activity was continued with a joint photo and handover of mementos from the UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program to Shinhan Bank Indonesia. Then, it was continued with a presentation by Shinhan Bank Indonesia about the bank as well as Campus Hiring. Furthermore, the activity was continued with Q & A and sharing with alumni of the UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program who work at Shinhan Bank Indonesia. This activity ended with Shinhan Bank Indonesia providing souvenirs to the participants.
This industrial visit can be realized because there is cooperation between UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program and related partners. This activity is a means for students to gain knowledge about the career steps that are open to them. That way, students can apply the knowledge they gained from these activities and experience when they go directly into the world of work.
(FDK/Doc. Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Inc., KOCCA Indonesia, Shinhan Bank Indonesia).