Ewha Womans University visited the UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program UGM again to strengthen cooperation with the Korean Language and Culture Study Program, Faculty of Humanities UGM. This event took place on Monday, April 29, 2024, in the multimedia room in the Margono Building, Faculty of Humanities UGM.
This event began with a presentation by Ewha Womans University regarding opportunities to continue studying the master’s program there. The presentation starts from the study programs offered to the scholarships that can be obtained to support tuition fees. After 30 minutes, Ewha Womans University gave a quiz to the participants. Participants who can answer the quiz questions are given special merchandise prizes typical of Ewha Womans University, which is cat-shaped key chain.
Ewha Womans University is famous for their unique and cute merchandise, so they also distributed their merchandise for free to participants. Merchandise gaved to participants included maps, stickers, and luggage tags typical of Ewha Womans University. This event became a source of information to students who want to continue their studies in South Korea, especially at Ewha Womans University. In addition, with this activity, cooperation between the Korean Language and Culture Study Program, Faculty of Humanities UGM and Ewha Womans University can still be established. (FDK)