Korean Major Talk Show (KOMETS) is an annual event held by the Student Association of Korean Language and Culture Program Studi (HIMAHARA). This event is part of the HIMAHARA UGM external division work program. This event takes the form of a Talk Show and presentation regarding information about the UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program by Korean Language and Culture Studi Program students or alumni. This event was held online via the zoom meeting platform and was open to the public. The theme of this year’s Komets Shows is ‘Path for Wanderers’ which means depicting the journey of prospective freshmen in the Korean Language and Culture Study Program who need a path to reach their goals. This event aims to help prospective students of the Korean Language and Culture study program to learn more about the UGM Korean Language and Culture study program. This year, the KOMETS will be held for one day, namely on March 16, 2024.
The speakers for this year’s KOMETS are UGM Korean Language and Culture students, Ida Ayu Nastiti (Korindo Foundation Scholarship Awardee 2022 and Soonchunhyang University Exchange Awardee 2023), Mahetala Bhawika Neo Wandhana (IISMA Awardee 2023 at Arizona State University), and Fathiannisa Dyah Kartikaningrum (Oesolhoe Foundation Scholarship Awardee 2023). In addition, in KOMETS 2024, Korean Guest Start, Lee Hyo Bin (Indonesian Literature Major at BUFS, Student Exchange at Gadjah Mada University in 2022 and Ahmad Dahlan University in 2022) participated.
The 2024 KOMETS was attended by around 60 participants with great enthusiasm. We really hope that the Korean Major Talk Shows (KOMETS) can provide benefits for participants and introduce the Korean language as well as the UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program to the wider community. (Fadhila Brillian Nisa)