Two students, Amarapallevi and Irda Julianingsih-usually called Levi dan Irda successfully participated in a Conference on Applied Foreign Languages themed Construction in Digital Sphere. The conference took place at UC Hotel and School of Vocational Program UGM frlm 08.00 am to 15.00 pm. On the first day, it started by a plenary session that discussed the dynamic of language in the Digitalization Era. Then, the plenary session continued with papers presentations which were divided into several sub themes that covered Discourse and Semiotics, Youth and Language, Translation, and Business Communication. Levi and Irda have been assigned to “Discourse and Semiotics” dengan judul “Sexism in an Online Web Community of Korean Expatriates Based in Indonesia”. During their presentation, Levi and Irda explained the detail of their research in front of the judges. After the presentation was done, it continued to Q&A time and suggestions. The agenda for the second day was the closing ceremony and the announcement of the best presenter. Levi and Ida also had a chance to deliver their impression after following the conference.
“Participating on this student conference was my first experience. Even Though there were many weakness on our presentations, it turned we gained many experiences and suggestions from other participants and being guided by Alfi Gyosunim” -Levi
“Actually, because this one is my first time attending an International conference, I felt so nervous and lost a little bit of my confidence, but beyond all of this, I got a very special experience. Besides, I also learned new knowledge about scientific research so I would give my best on my future. Thanks for my partner, Levi and Alfi gyosunim and other parties whom helped us 😊✨-Irda
We congratulated Levi and Irda for their participation as presenters at an international student conference.