Jakarta, 8 June, 2024 – The UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program sent five of its students to participate in the final round of the 22nd K-Speech Oratory Contest Indonesia hosted by the Indonesia Korea Speech Eloquence Association which took place at the National University (UNAS). The five students are Ida Ayu Nastiti, Anggita Lintang Herdiwan, Nasywa Athallah Putri, Firmansyah Haryo Yudhoyono, and Naufal Java Fakhriansyah. The event began with a Dongari’s performance from UNAS students and was followed by Big Group Oration Speeches from each university, including UGM which successfully submitted the Big Group Oration Speeches via video. The event continued with the introduction of the jury and a welcoming speech from the person in charge of this event. After completing the series of events, as many as 27 individual category participants also performed in the order determined by the committee, then a team competition involving 7 teams was also held. While waiting for the results of the jury’s assessment, the event was filled with a door prize distribution session and evaluation of the overall performance of the participants. Then, prizes were handed over and a group photo session was held to close the event.
UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program students won several winners in this competition. These students are Anggita Lintang Herdiwan who won first place in the individual category, and Nasywa Athallah Putri, Firmansyah Haryo Yudhoyono, and Naufal Java Fakhriansyah won third place in the team category. The five students of the UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program who qualified for the final round to convey their impressions about this competition. Following are the impressions they convey.
“I never thought that the competition that used to traumatize me now actually make me a champion. In essence, what creates trauma for us must be faced, not avoided.” – Anggita (2022)
“A good experience to use as a stepping stone in future competitions.”- Nanas (2021)
“This competition is the first Korean Speech Contest for me in my life. This experience was stressful and fun because I was able to work with friends who were good at it, so there are lots of new insights!” – Nanas (2022)
“This was our first speech competition. We are very grateful for the results we’ve had and the memories we’ve made. This motivates me to study harder and compete again and again for the future.” – Yudho (2022)
“This is really the first time for the three of us to be a one team and take part in the Korean Oratory Contest. I personally didn’t expect anything from the beginning, but the important thing is just do it. However, we got 3rd place in the group, and that’s very impressive.”- Naufal (2022)
This competition can accommodate students’ personal potential, which is the ability to speak Korean in public. This is one of the potentials that the UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program hopes every student will have. Of course, this can be achieved due to the courage of the students and the provisions provided by all the lecturers. (FDK)