Cultural exchange activities between the Korean Language and Culture Study Program (BKK) and Kyungpook National University (KNU) are annual routine activities, which started in 2015. Usually, these activities are conducted offline during the holidays before UGM starts teaching and learning activities in the spring semester. However, since the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, this activity has started to be conducted online. For this year, the cultural exchange activities will also be held online from January 09-20, 2023. The participants of the activity consisted of the BKK team and the KNU team, where the KNU team consisted of 18 students from various departments, 1 university staff member and 1 supervisor. Then, the BKK team consisted of the first and second year students of the BKK Study Program with a total of 52 students.
In general, this activity is divided into language classes and recreational classes. In the language class, various things were discussed such as the use of grammar that foreigners tend to do, proverbs, dialect language (saturi), everyday Korean, Korean in the culinary world, writing daily notes in Korean, etc. Then in the recreation class, different kinds of Korean were discussed. Then in the recreation class, various interesting topics were discussed, such as comparing Indonesian and Korean traditional clothes, traditional houses, Korean culture reflected in variety shows, tourist attractions, music, culinary, etc. In this activity, not only Korean students but also Indonesian students were given the opportunity to prepare and present materials. Through this activity, it is hoped that the participating students can learn materials related to language and culture from other perspectives that may not have been learned in class.