On 15th of September, 2023 – The Korean Language and Culture Program Studies once again held offline lectures in collaboration with the Korea Foundation. Every semester, UGM Korean Program Studies routinely holds online lectures with the Korea Foundation and several other universities. The Korea Foundation is currently starting to routinely return to UGM every year to hold offline lectures with students. On 15th of September, there were 2 classes that were successfully held offline on that day. Both classes were taught by lecturers from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS).
On September, 11th 2023, PT CJ Feed and Care visited the Korean Language and Culture Program Studies of Universitas Gadjah Mada. The presentation regarding field opportunities work at their company. PT CJ Feed and Care opened internship opportunities or full time as a translator for graduates of the Bachelor of Korean Language and Culture including fresh graduates. Not only that, at that day’s event PT CJ Feed and Care also said that they supported their workers to have a career plan or develop a career.
One of the specialties of the UGM Korean Language and Culture study program, in addition to learning through academic activities, students can also learn and try Korean culture directly through Dongari activities (extracurricular). The existing dongari is not only traditional culture, but also modern culture.
On Saturday, September 2nd, 2023, HIMAHARA successfully organized the Show Me the Dongari event. This event aimed to introduce, and invite new students to join the existing Dongari such as Buchaechum, Hansamchum, Talchum, Samulnori, and Katarsis
Korean Free Online Class (KFOC) is an annual event held by the UGM Korean Language and Culture Student Association (HIMAHARA). This event is part of the external division work program of HIMAHARA UGM. The form of this event itself is in the form of a free Korean language class which is held online through the zoom meeting platform and is open to the public, with the aim of teaching Korean to people who are interested in Korean.
In this KFOC, there were three levels of classes offered, namely Basic for learning hangeul and basic vocabulary, Beginner for learning basic grammar and examples of its use, and finally Intermediate for learning advanced grammar and its use. This year, KFOC UGM was held for two days, namely on August 26, 2023 for the Basic and Intermediate classes, and August 27, 2023 for the Beginner class.
The UGM Korean Program Studies sent 2 students to participate in the KF Global e-School 한국학 논문쓰기 워크샵 activity this year. The students were Amirah Ayu Kamilia and Roro ‘Ayniy Rohmatulloh from the class of 2018 . This workshop held online from July 17th, 2023 to August 10th, 2023. Participants who attended this workshop came from 4 universities in different countries, namely 북경외대 (Beijing Foreign Studies University), 북경어언대 (Beijing Language and Culture University), 국립정치대 (National Chengchi University), 호치민 인문사회대 (Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities), 호치민 외국어정보대 (Ho Chi Minh University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology) and 가자마다대(Gadjah Mada University).
On August 9-10th, 2023, The Korean Language and Culture Program Studies participated in the National Seminar on Korean Language and Culture Education in Indonesia: Challenges and Strategies (한국어 교육 학술회의: 인도네시아 한국어 한국 문화 교육의 도전과 과제).
This event was held in collaboration between King Sejong Institute of Centre (KSIC) Indonesia and the UI Korean Language and Culture program studies held in the context of 50 years of Indonesia-South Korea relations at the Auditorium Building 1, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Indonesia. The panelists of this event were lecturers and teachers from KSIC, UI, UGM, UNAS, UPI and Pelbakori as well as students/learners from KSIC, UI UGM, UNAS, and UPI.
The Korean Language and Culture Program Studies collaborated with Korea University to hold offline lectures and public lectures together at the end of May 2023. The offline lecture was a Korean History course which is usually held online every Friday at 09.00am. The offline lecture was held in two sessions on different days considering the golden opportunity for the Korea University lecturer, Prof. Yoon Eun Ja, to be able to directly explain the lecture material to students.
Meanwhile, the public lecture was held at the Auditorium of the Soegondo Building, 7th Floor on May 26, 2023 at 16.00 and 18.00. The public lecture raised the theme of Hallyu in History and was attended by 150 students from the classes of 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. Even though the lecture was held in the afternoon, the students still looked enthusiastic listening to the lecture. The public lecture was delivered in Korean and translated directly by a Korean native lecturer, Dr. Hwang Who Young, M.A.
Friday, May 12, 2023 – UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program won first place in the 2023 Korean Language Debate Competition for D3 / S1 students throughout Indonesia by KCCI (2023년 인도네시아 대학생 한국어 토론대회).
On March 2, 2023, through the official website of Korea Culture Center Indonesia (KCCI – http://id.korean- culture.org), KCCI announced the “Student Debate in Korean in 2023” competition. Unlike the previous competition, this competition is open to all students from different majors if they could communicate in Korean. The UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program was able to qualify a debate team for the preliminary round, consisting of two students from the Class of 2020, Vanesa Olivia and Raihana Alfiyya R. A. They named their team Igong Dugong (이공두공).
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 – Ewha Womans University from South Korea visited Universitas Gadjah Mada Korean Language and Culture Study Program to strengthen cooperation with Universitas Gadjah Mada. The visit took place on May 10, 2023.
At the beginning of the visit, Ewha Womans University explained the programs of their university. Ewha promoted more master’s/graduate programs on their campus as the visit was attended by students from the Korean Language and Culture undergraduate program. In addition, Ewha also explained the types of scholarships available on their campus. The students who participated in the activity were from the classes of 2021 and 2022. They followed the activity from the beginning to the end. In addition, Ewha also gave a quiz related to their campus, and students who answered the questions correctly received prizes in the form of exclusive Ewha Womans University merchandise, such as dolls, small mirrors, and small notepads.
On May 5, 2023, the preliminary round of the 2023 Korean Language Debate Competition for D3 / S1 students throughout Indonesia by KCCI was held.
UGM Korean Language and Culture Study Program sent 1 team consisting of 2 students from the class of 2020. The students are Vanesa Olivia and Raihana Alfiyya R. A. who named their team Igong Dugong (이공두공).
In this preliminary round, they faced a team from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Team Byeolttungbyeol (별똥별). The debate in this round was held online through the Zoom platform with the debate topic “한국어 학습 시만을 사용하는 것이 학습 과정을”. 극대화하는데 더 효과적이다” or in Indonesian, “Does the full use of Korean in the learning process maximize the effectiveness of learning? “.