Deputyship of Social Sciences and Humanities, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (IPSK-
LIPI) and Korea Foundation Jakarta Office are proudly convening “Enhancing Indonesia-
South Korea Connectivity.”
The webinar will discuss the current dynamics and policy challenges related to the cooperation in economic, socio-culture and people between the two countries.
We cordially invite you to join in the webinar that will be held on:
Date : Monday, 22 March 2021
Time : 08.45 – 12.20 (Jakarta Time)
Venue : Zoom application (Webinar ID: 983 0438 9327, Passcode: 409259)
Should you have any questions, you can click here for more detailed information
or please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Ranny Rastati
(ranny.rastati@gmail.com) and Ms. Naila Atmaja (naila.atmaja@gmail.com).
We look forward to welcome you in the webinar.
Thank you very much for your attention.