This scholarship program is operated by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED) in Korea, which is a Korean governmental organization, and offers scholarships for the international incoming exchange students to support their study in Korea financially, and make a connection between Korea for the future.
According to the criteria, please nominate only one of your students among the nominees who are going to study at KNU in spring 2022 by December 31 2021 to email shinhj@knu.ac.kr with the required documents.
This Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) program is to support the international exchange student support program offers financial support for selected exchange students at partner universities in Korea. The grants cover the expenses for accommodation, transportation, and insurance.
Only a few international students will be nominated by KNU based on the strategic decision after reviewing and screening applicants’ applications with the specific criteria, with GPA and recommendation, etc. The final selection is by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED), and I hope you could understand that this nomination doesn’t always guarantee a good result, between strong competitions.
For more information, please refer to the website of NIIED (http://www.niied.go.kr/eng/main.do).
For the winner, the scholarship supports the beneficiaries with the following benefits:
- Settlement Allowance – KRW200,000 (for once in the first month)
- Monthly Allowance – KRW500,000 for 4 months (for a semester-student) or 10 months (for a year student)
- Round-trip Airfare – TBA, set amount for each country (the airfare only covers the trip between the home country and Korea, and the stop-over for personal purpose is not covered by the scholarship. Also, it only covers if you return to the student’s home country directly from Korea within 30 days from the date of the official end-date of the semester.
- Medical Insurance Fee (Korean National Health Insurance) in Korea – KRW39,540 per month during the scholarship period (4 months or 10 months)
The nominees must meet all conditions below to be nominated for the GKS scholarship program selection:
- Students have to be undergraduate students with foreign nationals from KNU’s partner universities. Also, students who are currently studying in Korea cannot apply for the GKS program. (Extending for the students who completed this GKS program already is not allowed.)
- Students who have a GPA over 80 out of 100-scale.
- Students must have completed at least two semesters in the home university.
- Students participating in the KNU regular exchange student course. Students who only take the Korean language course at KNU cannot apply for the GKS program.
- Students who have never received a scholarship from the Korean government in the past.
- Students who do not have dual citizenship including Korean nationality.
- Students who will take at least one (1) course (two or more credits for each course) related to the Korean language or Korean culture during the semester.
The nominees should submit the following series of documents to through email studikoreafib@ugm.ac.id (cc: suray@ugm.ac.id) by Des 2021:
Applications and supporting materials received after the deadlines will not be considered.
- Application form (Required, using the given form) – Completed with all information and photo attached
- Certificate of Enrolment at Home University (Required) – Issued after December 16, 2021
- Official Transcripts (Required) – including every semester for the enrolled period in the home university, should be converted to a 100-point-scale. If the transcripts cannot be shown on a 100-point-scale, the confirmation with an explanation should be attached together by the university coordinator. (NIIED DO NOT accept any Official transcript with ECTS scales.)
- Copy of Passport (Required) – Face page
- Study Plan (Required, using the given form) – Stating the reason and the motivation to decide to participate in the exchange program in Korea, and the goal of the study in Korean universities academically and personally, and the current studying field information must be included. (Within 3 pages using the given form in A4 size, and the size of the font of 11pt, single-line spaced.)
- Personal Statement (Required, using the given form) – Must include the volunteer experience and the future direction plan after studying in Korea and returning to the home countries. It should be written in Korean or English by the student oneself. It must be submitted separately with the Study Plan, written within 3 pages and with the signature of the student. (Using the given form in A4 size, and the size of the font of 11pt, single-line spaced.) The evidence materials for the Personal Statement can be attached separately with the number of pages.
- Letter of Recommendation (Required) – The Letter of Recommendation by the home university for the GKS program is must be submitted in a PDF file. The general letter of recommendation for the exchange program nomination is not accepted. Without the Letter of Recommendation, the application can be disadvantaged in screening.
- Language Proficiency Test (Optional) – The copy of the TOPIK test result or other language test result (TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, etc.) can be submitted for the screening. The other language proficiency test result only can be accepted for issue after the end of December in 2020, by the official organizations. The tests by the universities will not be accepted.
- Records of Awards (Optional) – The copy of the awards or rewards can be submitted. The awards (or rewards) should be awarded during the current academic level enrolled period. The normal record or the proof of application will not be accepted.
※ [IMPORTANT] The name of Kyungpook National University (or KNU) and its information must not be indicated in the Study Plan, the Personal Statement, the Letter of Recommendation, and the Awards. This is due to the blind screening rule for fair screening.
online form:
Spring 2022 GKS Study Plan & Personal Statement
Spring 2022 GKS Scholarship Letter of Recommendation – with GPA (out of 100-scale)
Spring 2022 GKS Application Form Spring 2022 GKS Announcement for Partner University