Greetings from KNU, South Korea!
Here is the information about the plan for 2022 Fall Exchange Program at KNU.
(Brief information)
– Nomination deadline: April 20
– Application deadline: May 10 (online application link will be given in May to partner university OIA, nominee only possible to apply)
– Quota of incoming Exchange Students: Basis as MoU / Consult with staff in charge
– Required Documents (written in Korean or English)
1) Proof of Enrollment
2) Transcript Record
3) Recommendation letter from Home university
4) Copy of Passport
5) Certificate of Language Proficiency (Korean or English)
How to apply
send your full application document by E-mail with subject
[Apply_Exhange_Kangwon_Nama] to
studikoreafib@ugm.ac.id (cc: suray@ugm.ac.id)
For more information click here [KNU Fact Sheet].
If you have any queries about the 2022 Fall Exchange Program at KNU, please do not hesitate to contact our office (line/wa)
Thank you for your assistance and supports!
I wish your safe in good health.
Best Regards,