안녕하세요. 강원대학교에서는 자매대학교 학생들을 대상으로 무료 ‘온라인 윈터프로그램‘을 진행하려고 합니다.
한국어 및 한국문화에 관심 있는 귀 대학의 학생들을 많이 만날수 있기를 바랍니다.
또한 이 프로그램을 통해 학생교류 및 상호협력이 확대대기를 기대해봅니다.
We invite students from our partner universities to participate in the “2021 Online KNU Winter Program”.
If your university has students who are interested in South Korea and its culture, we would love to invite them to join our program, along with many other students from around the world.
We also hope to broaden our international exchange programs and increase our mutual cooperation with our partner universities through this program.
If interested please fill this form https://forms.gle/915KpuNxMaLJNVKB9 up until 19th December 2021
More info please check
(English)2021 KNU Online Winter Program (1)
(Indonesian)2021 KNU Online Winter Program (1)
(Korean)2021 KNU Online Winter Program (1)