Korean Free Online Class (KFOC) is an annual event held by the UGM Korean Language and Culture Student Association (HIMAHARA). This event is part of the external division work program of HIMAHARA UGM. The form of this event itself is in the form of a free Korean language class which is held online through the zoom meeting platform and is open to the public, with the aim of teaching Korean to people who are interested in Korean.
In this KFOC, there were three levels of classes offered, namely Basic for learning hangeul and basic vocabulary, Beginner for learning basic grammar and examples of its use, and finally Intermediate for learning advanced grammar and its use. This year, KFOC UGM was held for two days, namely on August 26, 2023 for the Basic and Intermediate classes, and August 27, 2023 for the Beginner class.
The tutors who taught at KFOC this year are students of UGM Korean Language and Culture, Firmansyah Haryo Yudhoyono (Basic Class), Rohadatul Aisyi (Beginner Class), and Raihana Alfiyya (Intermediate Class). In addition, there was one native Korean tutor who participated in KFOC 2023, Song Taeun, in the intermediate class. Beyond the expectation, the participants who took part in KFOC 2023 were very numerous and looked enthusiastic.
In fact, the number of registrants for these three classes reached more than 100 people per class. The Korea Free Online Class is expected to provide benefits for participants and introduce the Korean language as well as the Korean Language and Culture Program Studies of UGM to the wider community (HIMAHARA/Ed. Fadhila Brillian Nisa).