UGM’s Korea Language and Cultural Study Program got you a Greetings from Sunchon National University!
We are pleased to inform you about 2022 Fall SCNU EXCHANGE STUDENTS PROGRAM as follows.
- September 1, 2022 ~ December 16, 2022
- UGM’s Korean language and cultural study program students (batch 2019 and 2020)
- Other UGM’s students (batch 2019 and 2020) are allowed to apply
- Exemption for tuition
not including dormitory fee (which is mandatory), insurance fee and living expenses, etc.
Application documents
- Application form
- Study plan
- Copy of passport
- Scanned copy of photo
- Certificate of Enrollment (English)
- Transcript (English)
# Please refer to the attached SCNU Fact Sheet 2022-2023 for more detailed informationHow to apply
- send your full application document by E-mail with subject
[Apply_Exhange_SCNU_Nama] to (cc:
Application deadline
- April 20th 2022
please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any question about the program (line/wa)
For more information you can check:
※Link for SCNU International Newsletter: SCNU International Newsletter
※The PR videos:
- send your full application document by E-mail with subject
Greetings from ROK Mission to ASEAN,
We are excited to announce the launch of our event this year, ASEAN-Korea Online Supporters 2022. As you may know, Korea and ASEAN have been having a friendly relationship for many years now. We want to take this opportunity to strengthen that bond through various platforms and ways such as cultural exchanges and trade relations.
Events like these will help us get closer to each other while also understanding more about one another’s culture. This time we are going to recruit from all ASEAN Countries’ Nationals and Koreans. 50 individuals will be selected and we are eager to meet individuals who are keen on ASEAN-Korea Relations.
Kepada seluruh alumni Program Studi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea UGM, berikut kami sampaikan informasi pendaftaran untuk Master’s and Doctoral Degree Program in Korean Studies (2022 Fall).
Bagi alumni yang tertarik dan ingin mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut bisa mengirimkan email ke prodi untuk mendapatkan application guidelines. Terima kasih.
UGM’s Korea Language and Cultural Study Program got you a Greetings from Kyungpook National University!
Our office is looking forward to welcoming outstanding students to be a part of KNU through the exchange program.
And we are processing all incoming applications for the Fall 2022 admission as follows
- September, 2022 ~ December, 2022
- UGM’s Korean language and cultural study program students (batch 2019 and 2020)
- Exemption for tuition
dormitory fee, insurance fee and living expenses, etc. borne by the student
Application documents
- Official Transcript from applicant’s home university (100-point grading scales)
- A Copy of Valid Passport (face page)
- A color ID photo
- Study Plan
- Enrollment Certificate
- Online Application and Nomination Certificate*
*will be filled after internal review by prodi
How to apply
- send your full application document by E-mail with subject
[Apply_Exhange_KNU(Fall)_Nama] to (cc:
Application deadline
- April 10th 2022
For more information you can click here and 2021 KNU Infographic or refer to KNU Fact Sheet 2022-2023(2022.03.04.).
Greetings from KNU, South Korea!
Here is the information about the plan for 2022 Fall Exchange Program at KNU.
(Brief information)
– Nomination deadline: April 20
– Application deadline: May 10 (online application link will be given in May to partner university OIA, nominee only possible to apply)
– Quota of incoming Exchange Students: Basis as MoU / Consult with staff in charge
– Required Documents (written in Korean or English)
1) Proof of Enrollment
2) Transcript Record
Info lebih lanjut dan pendaftaran:§ionRank=1&token=0~78e65291-1dc1-4bdb-81aa-ca8d16532bbc&searchPath=%2Fid%2Fjob-search%2Fstaff-interpreter-bahasa-korea-jobs%2F&fr=SRP%20View%20In%20New%20Tab
Pada tahun ajaran 2021/2022, Prodi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea UGM mengirimkan lima mahasiswanya untuk mengikuti program exchange student ke luar negeri. Tidak hanya Korea, Italia pun menjadi salah satu negara tujuan untuk menimba ilmu pada kesempatan exchange semester ini. Universitas yang menjadi tujuan para mahasiswa kali ini adalah University of Padua, Korea University, Kyungpook National University, Jeonbuk National University, dan Busan University of Foreign Studies.
Berikut profil dan dokumentasi mereka.
Dicari lima (5) orang pengajar bahasa Korea (basic/dasar) untuk program dari DITMAWA di Pusat Bahasa Universitas Gadjah Mada. Berikut rincian informasi terkait:
Kepada seluruh mahasiswa dan alumni Program Studi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea
Berikut kami informasikan mengenai persyaratan untuk mengajukan surat rekomendasi.
- Informasi universitas dan jurusan yang dituju (poster atau surat informasi beasiswa bisa dilampirkan juga).
- Transkrip nilai terakhir (mahasiswa) atau transkrip nilai final (alumni).
- CV dan foto paspor.
- Format rekomendasi yang dibutuhkan.
- Study plan (mencakup rencana setelah kembali ke Indonesia).
- Akun sosial media aktif (Facebook/Instagram/Linkedin).
- Nomor HP aktif.
- Bukti pengalaman kerja atau pengalaman organisasi dalam jangka waktu maksimal 2 (dua) tahun.
- All requirements above must be written in English.
Syarat-syarat di atas dilampirkan dalam satu file word untuk memudahkan penyusunan surat rekomendasi oleh dosen terkait.
Alumni atau mahasiswa boleh menyusun sendiri surat rekomendasi terlebih dahulu dengan menyertakan persyaratan di atas untuk diverifikasi.
Permohonan surat rekomendasi dan persyaratannya bisa dikirim ke:
email dosen tujuan ( / ( dan cc email prodi (