UGM’s Korea Language and Cultural Study Program got you a Greetings from Kongju National University!
The Exchange program for the upcoming Fall Semester(September 2021) is open for nomination and application.
The dates and the English subjects provided for the students are stated in the factsheet.
For the information about Fall 2021 Exchange Programs admission as follows
Period :
- 1 semester Fall (September – December 2021)
- 1 year exchange (September 2021 – July 2022)
- UGM’s Korean language and cultural study program students (batch 2019 and 2020)
- Other UGM’s student batch 2019 and 2020 are allowed to apply this program.
- Exemption for tuition
DO NOT include dormitory fee, insurance fee and living expenses, etc.
(for dormitary fee details please contact Prodi Korea via wa/email)
Required documents for admission
- 수학허가신청서 Application for Admission(download here)
- 재학증명서 Certificate of Enrollment
- 성적증명서 Official Transcript
- 총장 추천서 Letter of Recommendation(Nomination) from Home University’s President
- 이력서 Curriculum Vitae(download here)
- 여권사본 Photocopy of Passport
- 건강 진단서 Certificate of Health(download here)
- 사진 1장(Passport sized photo)
How to apply :
- send us your documents by E-mail to
studikoreafib@ugm.ac.id (cc: suray@ugm.ac.id)
Application deadline :
- May 10, 2021
For more detailed information you can click here or refer to this fact sheet
don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question or interested (line/wa prodi).
Kind regards