On Thursday, April 25th, Ms. Alfiana, a lecturer from the Korean language and culture major, presented her paper titled “The social economic background of Indonesian students and their determining factor to study in Korea” in the Daegu University Center for Multiculturalism and Social Policy’s (DU CMSP) colloquium. The colloquium was attended by multidisciplinary educational professors and researchers who showed their interest in Korean studies in Indonesia by asking numerous questions despite the lack of research in both countries. Currently, research on Korean studies is dominated by Korean language-related topics. But unfortunately, compared to the Southeast Asia region’s countries, such as Vietnam and Thailand, the number of research studies was left behind. Thus, DU CMSP welcomes the new path of research collaboration with the Faculty of Cultural Science (FIB) at UGM and offers a research collaboration agreement. The agreement was signed by DU CMSP’s chief, Prof. Yun Jae Woon, after a colloquium, and later signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Science, Prof. Dr. Setiadi, S. Sos, and M. Si in Indonesia. This collaborative research agreement expects to build strong cooperation between two institutions and boost the number of research publications in Indonesia and Korea, especially those related to Korean studies. Research and publications in the long term have a role to play in offering problem resolutions for some current issues in Korea, such as inequality among immigrants, which becomes the world’s sustainable development goal number 10, to reduce inequality.
Continuing to the 2024 DCU CMS ASKA DU CMSP Joint International Conference
The lecture continued to the next day, May 26th, at the 2024 DCU CMS ASKA DU CMSP Joint International Conference, which was held at Daegu Catholic University in Gyeongsan City, Korea. A representative of UGM, Ms. Alfiana, was given a chance to open the first term by presenting her research, “The culture shock and reverse culture shock among Indonesian exchange students: focusing on UGM students.” The joint international conference between the Center of Multicultural Society of Daegu Catholic University, the Association for the Studies of Korean Living Abroad, and the Center for Multiculturalism and Social Policy has opened up chances for Korean students and professors to understand the condition of Indonesian exchange students in Korea. Some students from UGM also listened to the lecturers by zoom. In the future, it is expected to hold a joint international conference in Indonesia.