Kepada seluruh mahasiswa dan mahasiswa
Program Studi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea
Hey guys…
we got you Greetings from Sunchon National University
The National Institute for International Education (NIIED) under the Ministry of Education, Korea is working for internationalization of Korean education, with an aim of attracting international students.
So now, NIIED is holding the “2021 Study in Korea Online Education Fair” for international students. Our university is one of the universities in the participating universities in Korea.
On the Education fair website, they offer University information, Scholarship programs, Online consultation, and Live chats.
Announcement for the 2021 Fall Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) program. There is a scholarship program operated by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED) in Korea, which is a Korean governmental organization, and offering scholarships for the international incoming exchange students to support their study in Korea financially, and make a connection between Korea for the future.
One of our students will be nominated for this scholarship program among the nominees who are going to study at KNU in fall 2021.
이번에 ‘2021 온라인 한국어 말하기대회’ 를 경상북도에서
인도네시아 대학생들을 대상으로 개최하고자 합니다.
본선 진출자 10명에게는
1등 6juta 등
총 30juta의 상금을 장학금으로 수여할 계획입니다.
1차 본선
예 선 : 6. 7(월) ~ 7. 4(일)
– 발표주제 : 내가 아는 경상북도, 한국과 인도네시아 지방정부간 교 류와 협력, 독도이야기 중 택 1
– 제출방법 : 3분 분량의 원고와 발표 영상 제출
* 최종 결선 진출자 10명을 선출하여 ZOOM을 통한 결선 진행, 결선 진출자에게는 장학금을 지급하고
그외 참가자들에게도 기념품을 제공 합니다.
2차 본선 : zoom을 통한 화상회의 형식으로 진행될 예정입니다.
The Mission of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN is seeking a higly motivated and self driven individual for the position an Administrative Assistant (Indonesian – National Only)
We are looking the Administrative Assistant who can speak and write Korean language fluently.
Full time position, one year (with possible extension based on performance).
Kindly read the pdf below for more details information.
Please submit your application letter, CV and any other support document no later than 24 May 2021 to
UGM’s Korea Language and Cultural Study Program got you a Warm Greetings from Seoul National University!
Our office is looking forward to welcoming outstanding students to be a part of SNU through the virtual summer program.
Seoul National University’s Online International Summer Program offers 24 courses, taught by SNU’s professors and guest faculty members, for both SNU and international students from overseas universities. Virtual student exchange activities will be arranged for all students.
UGM’s Korea Language and Cultural Study Program got you a Warm Greetings from Soonchunhyang University.
Soonchunhyang University has once again been selected as a university that can recommend students to the Korean government’s scholarship program, and we will contact you like this. This scholarship program provides benefits such as living expenses, insurance, and airfare from the Korean government for overseas university students who have a sisterhood relationship with Soonchunhyang University. As a scholarship benefit, monthly living expenses of 500,000 won, settlement subsidy of 200,000 won per time, national health insurance premium, and round-trip airfare are provided. In addition, it is said that if you enter Korea before the start of the semester, the cost of living for corona isolation is also provided.
UGM’s Korea Language and Cultural Study Program got you a Warm Greetings from Gangneung-Wonju’s University!
Our office is looking forward to welcoming outstanding students to be a part of GWNU through the exchange program.
And we are processing all incoming applications for the Fall 2021 admission as follows
- September, 2021 ~ December, 2021 (6 months)
- September, 2021 ~ June, 2022 (1 year)
- UGM’s Korean language and cultural study program students (batch 2019 and 2020)
- Other UGM’s student batch 2019 and 2020 are allowed to apply this program.
- Exemption for tuition
dormitory fee, insurance fee and living expenses, etc. borne by the student - Self-quarantine Fee
for self-quarantine will be done in the campus with $400 fee
Application documents
- 입학 신청서 (온라인)
Online Application Form (click here ) - Copy of valid Passport(Page with photo/name/date of birth must be
clearly shown) - Official Academic Transcripts each in English and Recommendation Letter from faculty
(please contact prodi for surat pengantar) - 증명사진
Color ID(passport) Photo (3.5cm x 4.5cm) file to upload - 한국어 또는 영어 어학성적표 (필수 사항 아님)
TOPIK or TOEFL(IELTS) Score (Not required)
How to apply
- send your full application document by E-mail to (cc:
Application deadline
- May 30th 2021
For more information you can click here or refer to GWNU website
If you have any queries about the GWNU 2021 EXCHANGE PROGRAMS, please do not hesitate to contact our office (line/wa prodi)
We got you news from 포스코청암재단, 포스코아시아펠로십!
The POSCO Foundation welcomes Asian students who wish to go on to master’s and doctoral programs in Korea every year.
They are running a project to support scholarships such as full tuition and living expenses.
They have a lot of interest for students that learn Korean Language as their study to join.
Eligible candidates are those who are expected to enter a master’s or doctoral program in the spring or fall semester of 2022.
PT. TK Industrial Indonesia X UGM.
PT. TK Industrial Indonesia merupakan PMA yang berasal dari Korea Selatan dengan produksi sepatu berlokasi di Kab. Subang, Jawa Barat. Pada saat ini kebutuhan akan tenaga kerja yang mampu berbahasa korea atau Korean translator membuat Taekwang mengadakan Virtual Campus Hiring secara gratis bertemakan “CAREER PATH KOREAN TRANSLATOR” dengan pengisi dari HR Manajer Korea, Korean Translator yang berpengalaman dan juga akan ada HR-Recruitment. Kamu akan dikenalkan terkait perusahaan, pekerjaan di manufacturing, cara membuat CV Korea, melamar, tips interview, dan juga career path menjadi Korean Translator di PP TK Industrial Indonesia. Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan pada: